Digital Interaction Patterns in Climate Games

DIP-C - Social network and discource analysis of learners' communication patterns in a collaborative game on climate change.

Lily Chen


Karel Kroeze


Chia-Yu Wang

, and 

Hannie Gijlers

December 17, 2023

This study aims to employ Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques to intricately analyze dialogue patterns among learners in collaborative games centered on climate change. The research will collect dialogue data from various groups and utilize SNA tools to identify interaction patterns, communication structures, and the dynamics of knowledge exchange among participants. The objective is to better understand how learners construct knowledge and exchange opinions through dialogue in gamified learning environments, particularly when dealing with complex issues like climate change.

We anticipate that this research will reveal effective communication patterns and provide empirical foundations for designing more effective educational games. Furthermore, the findings are expected to offer insights into promoting interdisciplinary communication and collaboration, aiding educators and game designers in better understanding learner interactions in collaborative problem-solving scenarios.